Friday, May 13, 2011

Like a Monkey

STS CT member Becky here.  My kids are such little monkeys-they love to climb and they have been climbing for a long time.  My heart has stopped skipping a beat when I see them perched on the back of the sofa or climbing ladders at the park.  I make sure they stay safe climbing but I certainly will never be able to stop them from climbing!   When I saw this kit by Scraps of Ellay I knew I needed it because it would be perfect for my little monkeys!  Here's her kit Like a Monkey.
So cute, isn't it?  It is perfect for both your boy and girl little monkeys!  I scrapped some pictures of just my daughter with this kit but there's no reason you wouldn't be able to scrap your sons too.  I made my layouts for the progressive scrap at STS and the font challenge.

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