Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meet a Designer-Just For You Digi Scraps

I am so excited for this chance to let you all get to know a little bit more about me. And if you take the time to read all of this, I have a suprise for you at the bottom.
Let's start with the basics:

Name: Michelle Sims

Username at Stuff to Scrap: mleilanis

Now that you know which designer we're talking too, lets learn a little more about them and family comes first:

Husband: Been married to husband Michael for almost 16 years

Kids: 5- Kaylee age 13, Tiffany age 11, Ryan age 9, Jacob age 7, and Kyle age 5

Here is a picture of me and my family.
Pets: Dog-a Yorkie named Mandy

What do you like doing with your family? I love going for walks and bike rides, camping, playing games, traveling, and just hanging out.

It's an alternate universe and you're computer won't turn on for an entire week, what do you do with yourself? Although I think I would probably go through major, major withdrawals, I would enjoy going for bike rides, hanging out at the park with the kids, and taking some photos.

Alright, the computer's all better - let's talk digi-scrapping for a few minutes.When did you start designing and how did you learn? I started trying to design in early 2008. It took me months to do anything with what I had designed. I learned through lots of trial and error and found some great tutorials online. It wasn’t until October 2008 that I started my Digi Scrap blog and in November I fine tuned the kit I had been working on (off and on)for so long and was brave enough to offer it as a freebie on my blog. To my surprise, people actually downloaded it and liked it. That inspired me to do more and I am now very much addicted.

What program/programs do you use to design? I use Photoshop Elements to do all of my work.

Where do you get your inspiration? I often shop the fabric store to look for color palettes. Some of my kits have been inspired by my children and their favorite colors as well.

How did you pick your digi-scrap name? I don’t really know, I think it stems back to my grandmother actually. She had a business in Hawaii making porcelain dolls. It was “Just For You” but was in Hawaiian. (I have no idea how to spell it) I always liked that and that was what came to mind when I started thinking of a name for my design work.

What’s your favorite kit that you've designed? Oh this is a tough one, but I think my favorite kit has to be either Frosted Sherbet or Bold and Beautiful. Both kits came together so nicely. (Though it is really hard to leave out my Kaylee kit too.) Yikes!!! I don’t know.
Alright, this is a hard one, but what's your least favorite? Probably Raspberry Lemonade. I thought my idea was good, but the kit just didn’t come together for me the way I wanted it too.Describe yourself in one word: BUSY

Share a secret with us, what's something that not everyone knows about you? I often let my housework go undone so I can scrapbook or design. Then at the end of the day, I do a mad dash clean up effort so it doesn’t look that way.

If I said you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Hawaii-I have always had a love for the islands.

What is your favorite food? Pasta

Do you collect anything? Digi Scrap Supplies lol

What is your favorite TV show? One, I cannot choose. I love American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Lost, House, ER and Grey’s Anatomy
What is your favorite color? This changes from time to time, but right now, it’s red.

I am so excited to be a part of the community here at Stuff to Scrap! Now as a reward for you reading all this "Stuff" about me, as promised, I have a freebie for you. Here are some quick pages. It is in 12x12 and 8.5x11 both at 300 dpi. I hop eyou enjoy them. You can find the matching kit in my store. Here is the preview, click to download.

Sorry Everyone...forgot the password. Password is: intro


Anonymous said...


Jenn said...

There's a typo in the blog address, thought you might want to know.
Beautiful quickpages!